beta input

For my beta I managed to get SOME stuff to work.

This is how the game is broken up

2 Scripts:
-A script that pulls audio frequencies and splits them into
8 audio bands.

– A script that takes those audio bands and manipulates the 3d objects transform. Simple!


At this point I had two versions of the project. One that would instantiate 215 bands and flip around(which i later corrupted somehow) and a kaleidiscope that was actually made using pikachus I got from here. I got most of my 3D-models from there. It’s a great resource for old videogame models and can give you a closer look on how they are textured. At this point my games code was mostly complete. I had previously tried to use mic input to allow for a different type of interaction, but i could not figure out how properly set up the mic to allow for low latency, I tried everything. It might be because the tutorial I checked for mic input was on a windows machine, but Im not quite sure. However, despite my inability to implement mic input in this game, I really want to explore the idea of having an interactive installation where audio from the viewer can create a composition similar to my final game.




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