Alpha Input

Sorry for typing these in reverse order, or rather, uploading them in a messed up order. I actually typed these in word before uploading and…ANYWAY,

My pitch for my final project was an audio visualizer. I was heavily interested in making a game with a strong emphasis in music.

For my alpha I went through a few tutorials to get an understanding of C# and Unity syntax. I was having a difficult time understanding the proper way of scripting something that would change a material. My next goal was to see how I was going to use audio to manipulate the parameters. I managed to get one scene going.

This scene is one of the countless iterations that came from that first scene.  It did not make it into the final game because it still needed some tweaking in the code to fully have a ‘groove’ to it. If any of you want to try something similar check out this tutorial!  It shows you step by step on how to setup the script, but keep in mind you’re going to spend a TON of time tweaking and trying to get some stuff working to your liking. I personally did not like the visual examples the youtuber demonstrated, but the explanation is top notch! Don’t stop with the tutorials though, try to tweak the hell out of it(try no depth in rendering in your camera and watch things melt) and have fun!

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