Treasure Hunt Prototype B

Treasure Hunt actually looks a lot better after much fine tuning, and adding different types of trees and bushes. ultimately the goal of the game is to collect the coins that is on this island, 10 coins would be the objective. The hardest part were the coins. Making them rotate with Vector3.left*Time.deltaTime*Rotatespeed was no problem, but having the coin sound like super mario and disappear after the player touches it? harder than I thought. I had to make sure it has OnTriggerEnter and having several game manager scripts such as passedObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().enabled passedObject.GetComponent<Collider>().enabled = false;
        Destroy(passedObject, 1.0f);
        score = score + passedValue;
        scoreText.text = Score:  + score.ToString();

But 1.0f was a little long therefore in the Final project, I made it 0.5f.

I also changed the sky box to a much more fitting environment, it is actually surrounded by ice mountains and the sea. Making the players feel like they are actually on the island. Although the game’s objective is to collect coins, but I want to players to actually enjoy the journey that they are having, each coin was carefully thought out and placed in areas that has the view of the game’s scenery.

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