
Man I can’t believe this game and class is done! This whole quarter was definitely an experience for me and definitely a challenging one. There were times where I just felt completely overwhelmed with the workload plus with all my other classes, I questioned whether or not I would be able to handle everything this quarter. There were times when I felt like dropping the class, but I’m really glad I didn’t. After finishing this game and getting through this class, I feel really proud of myself for sticking through it all. The fact that I finished this game along with my other class projects makes me feel super accomplished. Even if I feel extremely exhausted lol.
Now about the finished product of my game, I didn’t get to put in everything I wanted, but for what it is, I can say I’m proud of it. There is still a little issue with the scoreboard but it’s very minor and it shouldn’t be too distracting to the player since it doesn’t affect the overall gameplay that much. I also wish I put in music and sound effects, but due to time constraints it wasn’t possible. Maybe if I plan to update it in the future, that’ll be the first thing I do. However, I’m not too eager to get back to coding on this game right away. I’m really glad people seemed to like this game, and that they enjoyed the new additions to it. I knew I wanted to make a simple yet challenging game and I can happily say that I accomplished that. It’s even hard for me to play this game sometimes. When I was testing out the coding I had to cut down on the times just so I can test out the levels. I was honestly surprised I got through 7 of the 8 levels when I demonstrated the game to the class. Speaking of the 8th level, I wish people got a chance to see it but basically it’s a level where there is no time limit and the player must survive through all of the challenges they faced prior, while trying to collect coins to score points. It’s honestly a mess of a level but I kind of like the chaos of it all. Here is a preview gif of what the level looks like (as you can see even I have trouble with this level haha):

Also, it was really fun seeing everyone’s games! Everybody did a fantastic job and I was impressed with all of them. I can’t wait to try them out for myself. I hope you all enjoy playing this game, if you ever feel up to the challenge. 😉

3 thoughts on “Dodgeball”

  1. I enjoyed playing this game a lot, even in its prototype stage. This would definitely be a game I would download on my phone and play obsessively at the airport or a waiting room or something. I admire it because it has quite a simple objective yet the process to win is quite hurdle. Just looking at that gif from Level 8 is enough to give me anxiety.

  2. Hey Giana, I really agree with everything you said in the beginning of your blog about the class. I feel the same way, but I am also glad I didn’t drop. Our class created some amazing games, and I’m so glad I was able to be a part of our small culture. Your game was so polished and it presented so nicely, but it was also complex and even embodied your personality. I remember how addicting your game was when it was project 4 or 5, but I am excited to play your final game because of all the new features it has!

  3. This game was just addicting, period. The mechanics were amazing, the whole concept of the game is very simple yet amazing. The colors were nice but it does make some people very anxious after playing. Good job overall!

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