Dodgeball: Prototype B

I actually ran into an issue when trying to continue working on my game. When Patrick was showing me a tip on how to slow down the time on my game, I accidentally saved it and left the class not knowing how to change it back. So I was stuck with an incredibly slow moving player and objects. I ended up re-creating the entire game from scratch because I could not for the life of me figure out how to fix the speed on my game. Luckily I was able to re-create some of it but I wasted a lot of time remaking the game instead of adding to it. I ended up emailing Patrick about my problem and he did email me back telling me how to fix it. (Thanks Patrick!) I should’ve done that sooner but I was being stupid and thought it would be best to just make it over again. (NOPE. ASK FOR HELP KIDS!) Now I can continue working on my old project, where there’s more content, and continue to add to it. I’ve actually had some trouble trying to differentiate the levels and trying to think of challenges for the player, but I think I have a lot of ideas planned out now. I’ve narrowed down to about 7 or 8 different levels, each with a different obstacle the player has to face. I was also thinking of giving each level a title in between each other so the player has a sort of breather, plus maybe a hint at what challenge they’ll face. For example, in one level some dodgeballs don’t hurt you, they just bounce off the player. But the player doesn’t know that when they play. The dodgeball would be a different color and be mixed in with the regular dodgeballs, and I may give a subtle hint about it in the title of the level. For example I’d probably name that level “Friend or Foe.”
I’ve also been watching a bunch of Unity tutorial videos on how to implement different techniques. Since I lost a lot of time, I’m questioning on whether or not to add the powerups idea, but I’m going to try to fit that in. I actually found a really helpful video on how to spawn objects randomly, which is what I would like to use for my powerup idea. Or perhaps use it to create obstacles. For anyone wanting to use this technique for their game, I recommend you check out this tutorial!

3 thoughts on “Dodgeball: Prototype B”

  1. Everything is sounding great! I was happy to hear you chose this game as your final when I played it earlier in the quarter. Those subtle differences and titles definitely help with the polish of the game. For more levels or just diversity, an idea is to combine one or two different ideas into a new level. For example, you can have a “friends or foe” concept combined with one of your other ideas; this ups the difficulty but then the players also put into practice what they learned from previous levels (so its more thought than luck). The power ups would definitely be a final touch; hopefully you can implement it!

    1. Thanks for the suggestion! That’s a great idea! Originally I was just planning to put all of the elements into the final level but slowly adding the challenges little by little into the new levels as the game goes on is a much better idea. It’ll test the player’s memory on how each challenge worked and will definitely up the difficulty of each level. It’s also a lot better than just ganging up on the player by all of a sudden putting all of the challenges in one level haha. I’m a little backed up on the coding so the power ups may not be implemented the way I intended. If I’m pressed for time I may just add pick up items that will add or subtract from your score instead. Thank again for your input!

  2. Hello Giana,

    I really enjoy playing your game. I like how the game really requires you to be tuned in, or you will not play the game well. The detail you added to the enemy bots, that are randomly generated, gave it a nice touch. Also the speed you chose for the enemy bots is just right where it needs to be, not to hard and not to easy. Aside from it being fun to play, I appreciate how this game can better my use of the left hand. (just a side note) Oh, and the main screen you created before you play the actual game is a dope addition as well! I’m sure ill be playing this game throughout my life haha. Shoot if its cool with you, I’d like to compose a track for your game. I’m thinking a up tempo joint, maybe a bit reggae inspired with the vibe of a continuous rhythm. Great work though, really a dope game! Let me know if I should get it crackin.


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