Oinkers Prototype B

A slow but steady pace. More routes have been added! All the dialogue is currently being added into the scenes and I am thinking about the things Patrick said about having small secrets to the game to further enhance the playing experience. A huge chunk of my time when to figuring out if the scenes and text would move together to the correct other scenes and I finally got the mechanics down for adding the text in efficiently. I wanted to have some sort of system to add clues for the players (inventory) to look back on and carry with them throughout the game so I will definitely work on for this upcoming week. Talking about it with Patrick really cleared up some thoughts and concerns I had thinking it was a bit too complicated for my level.

Story-wise I settled on a humorous subject with underlying themes within society. Not to spoil too much and just in case I decide to change this last minute, but I want people to think deeper into the characters they meet and what it all means, therefore I am trying my best to make them as captivating as I can. The paths so far all lead to separate endings depending on who you meet and what clues you gain, so hopefully after putting in some art in the full pictures will come together. I think a bit, it is like I am taking chunks of the themes I have been implying throughout the quarter, but I guess that it is how I like to get my messages across. With enough time I do want to make some simple music, so we will see if that will work out. Juiciness, got to have juiciness.

5 thoughts on “Oinkers Prototype B”

  1. I’m excited to see how it all turns out! Yes, you should think that anything you say or do is definitely intentional to the story because people expect that everything is intentional (just like film). If you can be as detailed and intentional as possible, then that’s already a huge bonus to your polish. The replay-ability sounds great too! I’m excited to see your art style as well.

    1. Thanks Annalisa!
      Definitely by the itch.io due date, I will have all the details worked out. Haha, I feel like I got too overwhelmed with trying to put everything in, it just became an atrocity of a story a mess. xD But thank you for your feedback!

  2. Though the game is unfinished, the visual is really really amazing. The effort you spend on the text is definitely worth it. I was really surprised by how the text box is working today, and I like how during some conversation with other character, the scence would change and focus on that character.

    1. Thanks Rui!
      Yeah I swear my kidneys will pay for all the all nighters I spent trying to figure out how to code all this xD
      I’m glad you liked the scene change to the character, I was wondering if that was too extra to put into the game, especially because that scene would have really of been all about the character (given that I’d have to make some pretty interesting characters), to engage the player in the setting of the route they chose.

  3. Hi Victoria,
    I really like your game. It’s really interesting and your character design is really cute! I totally understand that the branching of your game is fairly complicated! I can tell you spent a lot of time on your game. Even though it’s unfinished, the end result still looks pretty awesome!! I really like the ideas of your game. I didn’t even think of creating a game like yours (a conversation game). I love how unique your ideas are. The character design is pretty awesome! Maybe next time you can only create a few conversation options so that the branching will be simpler since we only have limited time to build our games. Anyway, the graphic is AWESOME!!!

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