Surrealistic Randomly Generated Game

Hey everyone,

This is our 4th project – Randomly Generated Game Design. I was amazed by how many varieties the games we had designed for this project! I really like the games our classmate designed, such as Three Waves and Infinite Fitness. They are really cool and have the great concepts!

My game is unfinished so I just call it “Untitled”. My goal for this game is to create an unrealistic look in my game environment. Here’s the look of my game! The origin of my game concept is from Alice In Wonderland so I used this checker pattern plane as the ground for my game, and the ground and objects above the ground are all randomly generated.

In the process of making this game, I feel the hardest part is the technical aspects of the work. My code often doesn’t work exactly as expected and I also have a lot of problems with working in the Unity interface because I’m still not so familiar with all the tools. In every project, professor introduces us some new tools and code functions to build a new type of game. I think it’s cool but there’re so many things we need to learn for each project. I feel this class is constantly challenging me and pushing my boundary in terms of workloads and the complexity of each project. The biggest mistake we can make is to start the project a day before its due day because it takes so much time to build a game and you wouldn’t be able to finish it if you don’t start it earlier.

Go back to the topic of my game environment!

I really like how surrealistic and weird my game looks like, especially the flowing ponies. 😀 I’m glad I made the sky pink and chose to generate this weird type of trees so it looks unrealistic and unique!

Last be not least, I feel great seeing so many great examples of games created in this class. Each time it motivates me to work harder and to think creatively so that I can do better next time.

Also, now I noticed that each game we created has its own unique identity. I think this is great and really cool!


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