The Perilous Adventure of a Mystical Seed

This was my first time coding something and having it work. I was so nervous because I was afraid that something would go wrong, and I wouldn’t know how to fix it.  I had the tutorials on loop the whole weekend, trying to catch everything as I started to form my story. Everything seemed alright at first, but when I went to save my scripts in Sublime Text 3, A LOT of errors started popping up.

I was panicking. I went back to every line to check that the semicolon “;” was there and made sure everything was spelled correctly. It was only when I checked and ran it in Unity did I find out that, surprisingly, the game was okay. No errors were in Unity, but they were all in Sublime. It was strange, but I just ignored it in Sublime because it didn’t really do anything to the game. Understanding that was the main struggle.

I think just getting everything plotted out and labeled right (which room to which path) was the most time consuming part of making the game. In the end, it was worth it to read the responses and find out that people thought the story was cute and funny. Many if/ else statements were used in the process of scripting.

I like playing story-based games (like Undertale or Beyond: Two Souls), so I was excited on the storytelling aspect of this project. Someone had pointed out that the “scheming flower” reminded them of the evil flower from Undertale, and I’m not going to lie, I thought of it too. I was inspired by it.

I wanted to put something that we all knew and related to, and my first thought at 2AM in the morning was “SQUIRRELS”. Because who hasn’t seen these fluffy critters around? And why not amp up their role in our walks on campus to being equivalent to that of Gandalf the Grey? Midterms are around to corner, so I thought that it would be great if this game could make someone laugh from its absurd silliness.

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