The lost blogs: Doom diary 2

I realized I missed some blog posts, so I will post them now.

On week 2 we toured Doom with cheat codes.

My favorite cheat code by far is the no clip cheat code, which allows the player to walk through walls (see amber’s gif below):

I was so fascinated by this, in fact, I decided to choose a speed running level in which the player glitches outside of the map similar to this cheat code (see below):

Playing through the game with cheat codes made the game much easier to complete.  I enabled invisibility and unlimited ammo, which allowed me to explore the level design throughout the game.

I believe that this week’s assignment to play through the entire game gave me a broad understanding of doom, which  allowed me to create better projects throughout the course.  For example my Kandinsky homage wad relied upon a complete understanding of doom in order to boil it down to its most abstract notes.  Also the divergences from Doom’s original gameplay through changed textures and characters are deliberate because of the understanding I gained from playing through the entire game during this week.



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