Doom Diary 1: First time playing Doom!

For this first playthrough of Doom, I had the game running on Steam, but I’m going to try to have it running on Chocolate Doom later so that I could have more freedom with changing my controls for the game. On Steam I had two control options.  In the first, you move with WASD and rotate with the left and right arrow keys. In the second you move with the arrow keys but strafe with period and comma. I ended up playing with the classic controls because I just felt more comfortable having easier access to rotate than strafe.

I’m not good at playing video games, so I wimped out and played on the easiest level, I’m Too Young to Die. I think I could probably do Hey, Not Too Rough next time, I was just scared on my first time playing. When I started to play the game, I made it to M3, then fell in some poison and died. I realized that the game doesn’t save any of your progress through each of the maps, so I had to start over in M1, but then I began saving after completing each map. In M4, it took me forever to figure out how to get the yellow key, but then I figured out that I can view a map of the area by pressing tab and that became very helpful. Then in M5, since I knew how to use the map, I started exploring all the doors and rooms and I found my first secret! A chainsaw.

Most of the levels have this blue orb with a face. I tried to figure out how to touch it but I couldn’t. What is it? What’s it supposed to do?

The last map felt unlike the previous ones, the floor textures were different, there were new bigger monsters and according to the game, I’m still stuck in hell 🙁

One thought on “Doom Diary 1: First time playing Doom!”

  1. Those blue things totally weirded me out at first, especially when I realized they had a face! I noticed them more in earlier levels so I’m assuming they maybe get harder to find as the game goes on. In level 6, I actually found it and was able to collect it. It ended up giving me a bunch of health and shields, which I desperately needed at the moment.

    Also, I never was able to find the chainsaw! I ended up ending the game only having found the machine gun, and of course I had the shot gun and pistol.

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