Project 4 (4 Seasons alpha)

I had a bit of an issue with coming up with a good idea for the randomly generated project, so I ended up coming up with my final project idea first and then backtracking it as my project 4. While lighting and appropriate terrain design were large parts of my focus, the key to the aesthetic (RWBY) I wanted to capture relied on coding a convincing petal drift behavior, as well as its random placement and distribution on the randomly generated tree positions.

My first finished build of the petal/tree generation ended with about 1500 petals. I was genuinely surprised that the game was perfectly runnable, but I feel like that stylistic choice to make the petals unlit color textures actually helped ease the need to render reflections and shadows. I ended up creating different distributions for each tree, as my decided limit/range of 50-300 petals per tree wasn’t enough for the small thin trees to look convincing (they just looked like they had a loose ball of red particles floating above them).

Coding the actual drifting behavior was difficult, but in a different way than the tree/petal generation, which was mainly just large, complex, and took a lot of lines. The drifting behavior is technically only 8 lines or so; however, it took me a really long time to find good exact numbers for each rotational direction, as well as speed ranges for each movement axis, for the petals to actually feel like petals, and with a satisfyingly stylistic flow of movement. I ended up using a function called deltaTime, which is a measure of the time in between frames. Trying anything else, even the lowest possible float of 0.01, wasn’t small enough for the petals to actually drift, and not blast off into the horizon as if shot from a confetti cannon.

I’m still far from my original ideal, as I wanted the petals to have actual easing in their movement, where they dip and slow, and fall in a pendulum-like swinging rhythm. In the current build, the petals simply move in a certain direction for a random amount of time before changing directions, making hard angles and abrupt changes in speed. I actually abandoned my original plan for springtime, which would’ve been a lone tree on a vibrant green grassy hill with a bright blue sky and puffy white clouds, as it relied heavily on this lazy drifting behavior. Honestly though, I ended up actually really liking the way these petals drift in a purposeful direction alongside the golden cube while you’re running along the bone white structure (which I came up with pretty late into the actual final project development). I still definitely want to refine the drifting code; there’s a lot of aesthetic potentials I can feel that I’m nowhere close to yet that I want to be able to use.

2 thoughts on “Project 4 (4 Seasons alpha)”

  1. Hey Steven!
    I’m super impressed with how you utilized procedural generation to be so visually striking! Right away the beautifully-colored leaves on the ground in the Fall scene really captured my attention. The part that stands out to me the most is the red leaves on the trees, especially when they start to move through the air towards a predetermined point in the distance. I like that the unlit red texture adds an interesting dynamic to the expansive space you’ve created, which is otherwise dark and shadow-ey. The petals almost feel like they are glowing since they are absent of shadows. Then when they start fluttering through the air they stand out even more as a bright red that separates it from the bluish hues in the rest of your landscape. Also the movement seemed pretty fluid (at least when I was watching the playthrough during critique)! I like that it works as an aesthically beautiful and also useful functional aspect of your game!

  2. That’s really funny that you mentioned RWBY…

    Great job with those petals! They were implemented well and definitely added that ‘juiciness’
    that pushed your project further aesthetically.

    Something about your game made me feel like I wanted cut-scenes or a heavier narrative. I really would want to see you implement your first game and your final into some sort of cohesive story, they both had a similar feel, but you definitely developed your style in your final.

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