Project 3 Procedural Rhetoric Game: Puddle

Though “Puddle” is currently unplayable, I think it has a lot of potential to be a therapeutic and relaxing player-less game.

Currently, Puddle looks like the above images and the puddle (the large circle in the middle) can move around, over the other raindrops. When the game is finished the puddle, the player, will be stationary and those raindrops will turn on and off (or make contact with the ground) and when they make contact with the puddle the puddle will grow eventually expanding past the edges of the player’s screen at which point the game will restart.

In order to complete Puddle I’ll need to make a modification so that the FPS controller doesn’t move, and so that the only button the player can control is “R” and when it is pressed it will cause another rain drop to fall (AKA: turn on one of the grey-blue game object spheres at random). I will make an autoplay modification to do all of this and use collision detection to determine when the drops contact the puddle, and transform to increase the size of the puddle as a result of the collision.

Also, I will set the game to music. This instrumental liquid drum n bass album, called Meliza, was published by Cleanscreen on the Internet Arcive in 2010. It has special significance in my life because its message has helped me process my stress and release many tears and fears. Hopefully my game Puddle will too.

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