dolla dolla bill$$$$

While I was creating this game, I was often flustered because I would change something really small and it would mess up my game. There weren’t any errors in my code and I followed the directions listed in the tutorials, but my game definitely had a bug. Once the game started, the smallest movement I made would make the game end. I thought it had to do with the destroy function that was listed at the end of my code. However, I soon realized there was a different problem.

I met up with Patrick during office hours and he showed me how the collider was a lot bigger than my actual 3D object. Also, the camera following my first person controller was not centered on the controller.

These small and unexpected things made it very difficult for me to complete the game. However, when I saw how my classmates played through my game and interacted with it physically and mentally, I was so surprised. The way they interpreted the game was very interesting. I also received some suggestions such as adding a timer and having the gold chips swing back and forth. These critiques inspired a couple of new ideas that I could work on for future projects.

Though even the smallest mistakes can affect the creation of my games, the end result of fighting through them is extremely rewarding.

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