Doom Diary 6: Adding Sprites and Sound!

This week we got to put everything we’ve learned to make an even more personalized custom mod. Coming up with the idea for a game is always the hardest part for me. It took me a really long time to figure out what kind of theme/story I wanted to create. Eventually I just ended up going with flowers, I just like flowers I guess 🙂 I put most of my work into creating and gathering my “tools” (sprites, textures, sounds, monsters, weapon) for the game than actually making a big map for this wad. The sprites were my biggest obstacle because I thought I’d be able to find stuff online but it was difficult to find the angles of a character that I wanted. I ended up taking a few front viewed sprite and changing them a little in Photoshop to blink. For my monster flower, the sprite I found was really pixelated and I tried to fix it in Photoshop by tracing it and coloring it in but it might not have made a huge difference.

Sprite I found online
My edit of the sprite








I like that we’ve learned so many skills for modding and since we have longer than a week to make the final, hopefully I can end up with a cool wad.

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